Document Type : Brief Report(s)


1 Department of Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, Medicine College, Zagazig, Egypt

2 Department of Radiation Oncology, International Medical Center (IMC), Cairo, Egypt

3 Department of Clinical Oncology, Al-Azhar College of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt

4 Medical Radiation Physics, International Medical Center, Cairo, Egypt

5 Tropica Department, College of Medicine, Zagazig, Egypt

6 Radiology Department, College of Medicine, Zagazig, Egypt


Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) complicated by portal vein thrombosis presents significant clinical challenges. This study aims to retrospectively assess the feasibility of stereotactic irradiation for treating bulky HCC, with or without vascular invasion.
Method: In this retrospective analysis, the radiotherapy treatment plans and clinical follow-up data of 22 patients diagnosed with HCC, with or without portal vein thrombosis, were reviewed. These patients underwent stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) between September 2019 and September 2022. Treatment involved administering 40-50 Gy in 5 fractions using SBRT with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT)/4D-computed tomography. Descriptive statistics were utilized without the application of statistical tests.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 65 years, with 77% being male. Portal vein thrombosis was present in 73% of the cases, and the average tumor size was 7.2 cm (range 5-12 cm). 59% of patients were classified as Child-Pugh B. The median follow-up duration was 8 months (range 3-36 months). At 3 months, tumor response assessments revealed that 59% of patients had a partial response and 41% had stable disease; by 6 months, 37% achieved complete response, 26% maintained a partial response, and 37% had stable condition. Failure patterns included intrahepatic failure in two patients (at 7 and 9 months) and extrahepatic loss in two others (at 6 and 10 months). Radiation-induced liver disease occurred in two patients at 9- and 11-weeks post-treatment, respectively. Liver cancer-specific mortality was 13.6%, while non-liver cancer-specific mortality stood at 9%. The progression-free survival rate was 82%.
Conclusion: SBRT via VMAT represents a highly cost-effective, non-invasive local therapy with a favorable therapeutic ratio for treating bulky HCC cases, with or without vascular invasion.


Mohamed Wahba Hegazy (Scopus)


Main Subjects

How to cite this article:

Hegazy MW, Attallah H, El- Shahat KM, Mostafa E, Yassin A, Haggag I, et al. Stereotactic body radiotherapy in bulky hepatocellular carcinoma with or without portal vein thrombosis: A feasibility review in an Egyptian cohort. Middle East J Cancer. 2024;15(3):242- 48. doi:10.30476/mejc.2023.98866.1918.

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